一年一度的華府賞櫻節(National Cherry Blossom Festival)又到了。今年華府櫻花的盛開日為03/31/2010,預計本週末DC賞櫻人潮會到達高峰。如果你想一覽櫻花盛開的美景,趕快著手計畫你的賞櫻之旅吧~
賞櫻地點之一: Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C.
# NCBF Family Day & Opening Ceremony presented with the National Building Museum - Saturday, March 29
# Smithsonian Kite Festival - Saturday, March 29
# Grand Sushi & Sake Tasting - Wednesday, April 2
# Fireworks Show - Saturday, April 5
# Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run - Sunday, April 6
# Lantern Lighting Ceremony - Sunday, April 6
# Gala Dinner Cruise aboard the Odyssey - Wednesday, April 9
# Southwest Airlines presents the Parade of the National Cherry Blossom Festival - Saturday, April 12
# Sakura Matsuri - Japanese Street Festival - Saturday, April 12
# Daily Cultural Performances at the Tidal Basin Stage - Saturday, March 29 - Sunday April 13
Tidal Basin位於華府的The Mall旁邊。The Mall指的是從國會山莊(Capital Hill)到林肯紀念堂(Lincoln Memorial)間的區域,也就是下圖中矩形的地方。
地鐵站:搭DC Metro請搭到Smithsonian站下車,出站後跟著人潮走準沒錯。下面這張圖可以看到Tidal Basin附近還有那些地鐵站,如果繞完Tidal Basin之後還有餘力,可至The Mall裡的博物館逛逛,並至最近的地鐵站搭車回家。
DC Metro的官方網站為http://www.wmata.com。若需要準確的發車時間,請按首頁右邊的trip planner查詢。
賞櫻地點之二:Kenwood, Chevy Chase, MD
另一個DC附近蠻有名的賞櫻地點是位於Chevy Chase的Kenwood社區,這個社區的街道左右種滿櫻花樹,盛開時的美景不輸DC的Tidal Basin。唯一的缺點就是沒有大眾交通工具可以到,一定要開車。
如果需要設定GPS,可將地點設在5800 Brookside Dr Chevy Chase, MD 20815。