如果你讀完這一系列的文章,可能已經越讀越火大,這個不能報,那個有限制,那到底什麼才是可以合法抵稅的呢?答案就是1040NR Schedule A – Itemized Deduction。要特別說明的是,如果你是稅法上的美國居民(resident alien),在1040 Schedule A也有同樣的欄位可以列舉扣除額,不同的是resident alien還多了其他幾項non-resident alien不能報的扣除額。本篇介紹的是重複的部分,所以大家都可以參考。
State and Local Income Taxes
這是每一個人都可以申報抵稅的,如果你的Itemized deduction只有這一項,或許你可以用1040NR-EZ而不是1040NR。

Total Gifts to U.S. Charities
如果你有捐獻現金或禮物給慈善或宗教團體,你可能也可以將這一部份花費申報抵稅,我沒有捐獻所以沒研究。請自行參閱instructions for 1040NR

Casualty and Theft Losses
一樣沒研究,請自行參閱instructions for 1040NR

Job Expenses and Certain Miscellaneous Deductions
如果你有工作相關的花費,而沒有向雇主申請補助(reimbursement),你可以列出這一部份之花費申報抵稅。要注意的是,這一部份的花費必須超過你的adjusted gross income的2%才能扣抵,不夠多的話也沒用。

IRS對於Job Expenses and Certain Miscellaneous Deductions的定義為:
“Ordinary and necessary job expenses you paid for which you were not reimbursed”

An ordinary expense is one that is common and accepted in your field of trade, business, or profession. A necessary expense is one that is helpful and appropriate for your business. An expense does not have to be required to be considered necessary.

關於Itemized Deduction的詳細規定列於Publication 529。裡面提到你”可能”可以申報底扣的Un-reimbursed Employee Expenses花費包括:
*Business bad debt of an employee.
*Business liability insurance premiums.
*Damages paid to a former employer for breach of an employment contract.
*Depreciation on a computer or cell phone your employer requires you to use in your work.
*Dues to a chamber of commerce if membership helps you do your job.
*Dues to professional societies.
*Educator expenses that are more than you can deduct as an adjustment to income.
*Home office or part of your home used regularly and exclusively in your work. (For details, including limits that apply, see Pub. 587.)
*Job search expenses in your present occupation.
*Laboratory breakage fees.
*Legal fees related to your job.
*Licenses and regulatory fees.
*Malpractice insurance premiums.
*Medical examinations required by an employer.
*Occupational taxes.
*Passport for a business trip.
*Repayment of an income aid payment received under an employer's plan.
*Research expenses of a college professor.
*Rural mail carriers' vehicle expenses.
*Subscriptions to professional journals and trade magazines related to your work.
*Tools and supplies used in your work.
*Travel, transportation, meals, entertainment, gifts, and local lodging related to your work.

*Union dues and expenses.
*Work clothes and uniforms if required and not suitable for everyday use.
*Work-related education. (For details, see Chapter 12, Pub. 970.)

讀到這些規定的時候有發現新大陸的感覺,跟scholarship and fellowships grants excluded比起來,Un-reimbursed Employee Expenses的規定似乎寬鬆一點。只要是你這個領域的人覺得是ordinary and necessary的花費就可以申報,而且不需要是必要(required)的。我到目前為止看過的文件中都沒有提到必須為full-time employee才能報,看起來有assistantship的留學生似乎也可以用。我之前都沒報過這種,希望有申報過Un-reimbursed Employee Expenses可以分享一下申報經驗。


Dues to Chambers of Commerce and Professional Societies
You may be able to deduct dues paid to professional organizations (such as bar associations and medical associations) and to chambers of commerce and similar organizations, if membership helps you carry out the duties of your job. Similar organizations include:
    *Boards of trade,
    *Business leagues,
    *Civic or public service organizations,
    *Real estate boards, and
    *Trade associations.

Job Search Expenses
You can deduct certain expenses you have in looking for a new job in your present occupation, even if you do not get a new job. You cannot deduct these expenses if:
*You are looking for a job in a new occupation,
*There was a substantial break between the ending of your last job and your looking for a new one, or
*You are looking for a job for the first time.

Tools Used in Your Work

Generally, you can deduct amounts you spend for tools used in your work if the tools wear out and are thrown away within 1 year from the date of purchase. You can depreciate the cost of tools that have a useful life substantially beyond the tax year. For more information about depreciation, see Publication 946.

Travel, Transportation, Meals, Entertainment, Gifts, and Local Lodging
如果你符合下列兩種情況,你可能需要額外填寫Form 2106
1. You claim any travel, transportation, meal, or entertainment expenses for your job.
2. Your employer paid you for any of your job expenses that you otherwise would report on line 9.

如果你符合這個條件,你可以用Form 2106-EZ
If you used your own vehicle and item (2) above does not apply, you may be able to file Form 2106-EZ instead.

如何填寫Form 2106之詳細規定請看Instructions for Form 2106

請特別注意上述花費是”可能”可以申報,至於每一種花費都還有詳細的規定,請自行參考Publication 529
Work-Related Education
如果你的教育費用符合下列兩者之一,你可能可以報work-related education:
*It maintains or improves skills required in your present work.
*It is required by your employer or the law to keep your salary, status, or job, and the requirement serves a business purpose of your employer.

但是如果你的教育費用符合下列其中任一種情形,則不能報work-related education:
*Is needed to meet the minimum educational requirements to qualify you in your trade or business, or
*Is part of a program of study that will lead to qualifying you in a new trade or business.

If your education qualifies, you can deduct expenses for tuition, books, supplies, laboratory fees, and similar items, and certain transportation costs.

聽起來拿assistantship的人應該可以將學費及書本費當成work-related education,是這樣的嗎?如果是就太美好了~  

剛剛拿到學校給的CINTAX密碼,迫不及待地上網試試。很可惜的是,CINTAX並沒有出現可以填Job Expenses and Certain Miscellaneous Deductions的地方。不知道我是否還有其他未讀到的規定上有註明拿assistantship的留學生沒辦法報Job Expenses,如果有人知道相關規定,麻煩留言告訴我~

Other Miscellaneous Deductions



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