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Garmin Nuvi 650 $299 at Costco ONLINE


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在台灣的時候我就很愛看美國影集,來了美國之後雖然只有屈指可數的幾台電視頻道可以看,還是常常看得不亦樂乎。我喜歡看的影集有the charmedfriendssex and the citysmallvillesupernaturalghost whisperer。這幾個是會定時收看的,其他看過的還有很多很多。


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again takes 20% off its selection of ThinkPad X-Series Notebooks and Tablets, this time via coupon code "USPANNIV1031". It's among the best coupons we've seen on these ThinkPad laptops. This coupon stacks onto the ongoing 15th Anniversary Sale, which already takes up to 25% off. With free shipping, some models are at or near lowest-we've-seen prices. Deal ends today.

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Today only, eBags.com offers the Samsonite 2-Piece Boarding Set, model no. 147122, for $79.99 via the directions below. With $8.50 for shipping, that's the lowest total price we could find by $12 and the best we've seen since July. The set includes a 22" side roller upright and 17" tote. To get this deal: 

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fye.com has stock of the hard-to-find Nintendo Wii Game Console for $249.99. Checkout with PayPal and coupon code "paypal10" drops it to $239.99. With $4.98 for shipping, that's the lowest total price we've seen for the Wii. Sales tax is added where applicable. It includes the Wii console, Wii Remote Controller, Wii Nunchuk Controller, and Wii Sports. To get this deal: 

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Have no ideas which credit card offers the best cash back bonus?  (the best deal now is probably 3-5% on specific categories, and 1% for the rest)
This website has all the information you want to know.  Take a look yourself~  

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  • Oct 20 Sat 2007 14:19
  • 色戒


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