*語言錯亂:登入帳戶後My ebay的預設語言為中文,此時搜尋美國ebay後的項目敘述也會是以中文顯示,中間穿插賣家寫的英文說明,感覺很錯亂。若有人回覆訊息,寄到我的信箱中的通知信會出現部分亂碼。
A. 更改幣別(Changing Billing Currency)
1. Click the "site map" link located at the top of most eBay pages.
2. Click the "Change Your Billing Currency" link located near the bottom of the middle column under the "My Selling Account" heading. You may need to sign in.
3. Select your preferred currency from the drop-down menu, and then click the "Continue" button.
4. Select an automatic payment method based on the choices available for the new currency.
5. To confirm the change, click the "Submit" button.
Some currencies require credit card verification before processing the switch. You may be asked to provide a credit card if you choose one of these currencies.
For more information about switching your billing currency, go to:
B. 更改註冊地(change your registration site)
Before you change your registration site to eBay US, you must prove that you live in the United States. Therefore, you should modify your registration address (especially country) firstly, via the link listed below:
The only way to avoid being directed to eBay HK site is to use a US address temporarily. For example:
City: Albany
State / Province: New York
Zip / Postal code: 12201
Country or Region: United States
Primary telephone: (212) ***-****
To transfer your registration to eBay US site(change the registration site), please go to the following page:
Note: If you transfer your registration to eBay, you will:
1) Receive automatic notification emails (e.g., Bid Confirmation, Outbid Notice, etc.) in the local language.
2) Be required to agree to the User Agreement (and related policies) of eBay.
3) Continue to be billed in the currency in which you are now billed.
4) Cancel your Sales Reports subscription.
- Sep 18 Thu 2008 22:55