Comcast的19.99 for six months優惠常常只有適用於新客戶,不過現在有好消息了!Comcast目前對於舊用戶也推出了同樣的優惠,不過不確定是不是全國性的,上網查一查就知道囉!
Step 1:在find special offers in your area中輸入你家地址。

Step 2:選擇High-Speed Internet,看看你的區域現在有什麼優惠,如果看到下面這個畫面(Current Cable Customer Special 19.99 for 6 months),恭喜你!你適用於此優惠!

你可以依照網頁上的指示繼續訂購,或是撥打comcast的客服專線1-800-COMCAST (1-800-266-2278),即可享有此優惠!

謝謝leeym的提醒,comcast官方網站的terms and conditions是說這個優惠是給現為cable用戶而非internet用戶的,不過不知道是同時有另外一個promotion,還是客服人員搞不清楚狀況,很多現有internet用戶也拿到了這個優惠。個人覺得蠻值得一試的,就算第一次失敗也沒關係,可以多打幾次試試看!我之前有打三次才凹到優惠的紀錄!

我仔細看了一下fatwallet的討論(上面那個link),原來真的是兩個不同的promotion,另外一個是19.95 for current high speed internet customer who have not subscribed to the promotional service within the past 60 days.不知道官方網站上查不查得到這個優惠?可能打電話到1-800-COMCAST凹到的機率比較大。

19.95 per month until 12/31/07
Limited time offer. Offer is limited to residential customers in sericeable areas who have not subscribed to the promotional service within the past 60 days, and have an account in good standing. Following the promotional introductory period, comcast's standard service and equipment fees apply.


No promo code.

Scan of the AD

Fine Print:
"Limited time offer. Offer is limited to residential customers in serviceable area who have not subscribed to the promotional service within the past 60 days, and have an account in good standing. Following the promotional/introductory period, comcast's standard service and equipment fees apply,unless service is cancelled by calling 800-comcast and requesting the service cancellations. Promotion offer equals the monthly recurring charge of $19.95 per month for your first 6 month of service for comcast high-speed internet. Stanard bundled rates apply after promotion. Currently $42.95 (service) per month for comcast high speed internet customers that subscribe to our video and internet service. Price vary based on level of participation to other comcast products. Speed comparisons for downloads only and compared to 256K DSL"

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